The True Meaning of Smekday Foreignness and the Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The Boov are having seven magnificent genders. There is boy, girl, boygirl, girlboy, boyboy, boyboygirl, and boyboyboyboy. (2.264)

When Tip hears about the Boov genders, she's more confident than ever that ever that the Boov are "the Other." Just because someone is different or looks different doesn't mean that they are automatically bad or wrong, of course, but good luck telling that to Tip.

Quote #5

"It goes… it goes, Gorg are dumb, dumb like soap, their wives are wider than they should be." (2.702)

The song that J.Lo sings not only alerts the Gorg to where the Boov are (that would be our planet), but it also tells us a lot about how the Boov think about other races of aliens. It turns out humans aren't the only ones with stereotypes and racism. Oh good (j/k).

Quote #6

I was kind of dizzy, kind of light-headed, and I had what you might call a vision. Or you might not; that's your thing. But I could see the Boov and humans and J.Lo and me and my mom and everybody all at once, and there were lines connecting us— a constellation. I only got it for a second, like it was a secret. (2.707)

It sounds like Tip might be rethinking her policy on foreigners, because she thinks about how all aliens and humans are connected in some way. This doesn't stop her from categorically hating all Gorg, though, or disliking the Boov either.