The True Meaning of Smekday Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"J.LO!" I shouted, my voice louder but raw. The car slowed and drifted onto the shoulder. I wasn't paying attention anymore. "Tell me the truth, J.Lo! Tell me the truth. Tell me." (2.521)

When they get pulled over and Tip figures out J.Lo is in trouble, she's pretty annoyed at her newfound Boov mechanic. It's ironic though, isn't it? She's not exactly the voice of truth with J.Lo either.

Quote #5

"Bleep, you're a liar. Why do you lie so much?" said Curly. (2.642)

One of the BOOB members asks Tip this when she says her mom was abducted. Surprise, surprise, no one believes the truth, just like Tip thought. We can't help but notice how she has a change of heart in caring about what people think—suddenly she's a lot more open to the idea of just telling people what she thinks regardless of whether they believe her.

Quote #6

I was mad and ashamed at the same time. J.Lo hadn't trusted me, but I hadn't been trustworthy. I kept quiet as we reached the top of the ladder, which opened into a corridor. (2.658)

We couldn't have said it better ourselves. Tip realizes that she is a liar, but just not about the stuff people accuse her of lying about.