Man and the Natural World Quotes in Three Cups of Tea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When winter clasped the high valley of the Karakoram in its annual lingering embrace, Mortenson returned home. (15.85)

Mortenson may be able to triumph over nature many times—scaling incredibly high peaks, for instance—but he is no match for the harsh winter in this region of Pakistan. No work can be done during these times, making the construction of the schools seem incredibly slow when so many breaks have to be taken.

Quote #8

"Brolmo is a good place. Or it was. We stayed as long as we could, hiding in the caves by day, and working the fields at night. […] We knew our women and children would die if we didn't do something, so we walked over the mountains to Skardu." (17.62)

People are able to find little pockets of safety in the harsh landscape. However, when those safe havens are endangered, such as by the bombs of war, people have to venture into the harsh wilderness. It's hard to find safety when the safe zones are spread so far apart.

Quote #9

"We stepped outside, into snow at the top of a mountain pass. […] There was a moon, so we could see clearly enough. And I tried to get a bearing on which side of the pass we were on, so we could start hiking down." (23.45)

When Mortenson's truck fails, he falls back on his skill at surviving in the wilderness with only his strength and his wits. Unfortunately, the sharp cliffs of Afghanistan are too daunting for him to attempt to scale down.