Women Quotes in Three Cups of Tea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

At Haji Ali's, Sakina took Mortenson's hand in welcome, and he realized it was the first time a Balti woman had touched him. (10.41)

Here's Sakina again, breaking barriers with a simple handshake. What's she going to do next? Let down her hair and tango with him?

Quote #5

Mortenson's Balti had become fluent, and he and Twaha sat up long after most of Korphe slept to talk. Their great subject was women. (10.79)

Just because Mortenson is trying to educate the young women of Pakistan doesn't mean that he and Twaha still aren't above objectifying them.

Quote #6

"How many goat and ram must you give her father?" Twaha asked. (12.37)

In Pakistan, marriage seems to be more about a business transaction than it is about romance or love. Good women are worth their weight in livestock.