Titanic Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Titanic.

Quote #4

CAL: My fiancée! Yes, you are! And my wife in practice, if not yet by law, so you will honor me. You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor a husband. Because I will not be made out a fool, Rose. Is this in any way unclear?

When Cal finds out that his prize possession, Rose, has been out frolicking below deck with Jack, he is not pleased. He seems to take it as infidelity, so he throws a huge tantrum with Rose at the breakfast table. When he says that Rose will "honor" him, he basically means obey. Bottom line: Rose's attempt to break free got her in serious trouble.

Quote #5

ROSE: How can you put this on my shoulders?

Ruth is trying to convince Rose not to see Jack anymore, and she's resisting. Rose doesn't understand why the entire future of the family depends on her marital decisions. It all falls on deaf ears, though, since Ruth basically tells her to suck it up.

Quote #6

ROSE: Mr. Andrews, thank God! Where would the Master at Arms take someone under arrest?

Jack gets literally imprisoned right around the time Titanic hits the iceberg. He's handcuffed to a pipe below deck, as water is rushing in.