Travels with Charley Resources

Articles and Interviews

Obsession with Charley?

Journalist Bill Steigerwald even has a whole website devoted to the "truth about [Steinbeck's travels with] Charley."

(Dog) Whistleblower

Journalist Bill Steigerwald retraced Steinbeck's steps and wrote about it in a 2010 article. His conclusion? Charley is pretty much fiction.

Fact-Checkers: They're Not Just Good for Election Season

The New York Times's Charles McGrath takes a stab at sifting fact from fiction in Travels with Charley, using Steigerwald's research and more.

Confessions of a Penguin... Regarding a Book about a Dog

Bill Steigerwald writes about the fact that Penguin Group has basically admitted Travels with Charley is fiction, a couple of years after he originally blew the whistle.


From the Penguin's Mouth

Check out the Penguin site for the book, with Jay Parini's synopsis (he wrote the introduction to the Penguin edition).

National Steinbeck Center

Here's a one-stop shop for all things Steinbeck.

Movie or TV Productions

Charley: Live Action Hero

Okay, not really—but Travels with Charley was (kind of) made into a TV movie.


Steinbeck gets Steigerwalled

Bill Steigerwald gets Q and A'd about Charley on C-SPAN.

Steinbeck: The Next Generation

Steinbeck's son, Thomas, visited the Carlsbad City library to discuss his dad and Travels with Charley.

Title Sequence... But No Film?

Check out this title sequence for a Travels with Charley movie... that, um, doesn't exist.

Is There a Nobel Prize in Awesomeness?

Check out Steinbeck receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962.


Travels with an iPod

If you can't handle text, perhaps you'll like this audiobook version of the book.


The Dynamic Duo

The cover of this edition of Travels with Charley features Steinbeck with his traveling buddy.

A Land Before Mapquest

This map of Steinbeck's path is just a little less precise than Google Maps, but perhaps better than the first launch of Apple Maps (ooo, cold burn).