Tropic of Cancer Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If it hadn't been for Fillmore, I don't know where I would be today—dead, most likely. (12.1)

Aha, so Miller is totally aware how much he relies on his friends. But don't worry—the feeling is mutual. Miller always reciprocates by getting "homeless bitches" off of Fillmore's back.

Quote #8

But as for a heart-to-heart talk, as for walking to the corner and having a drink together, nothing doing. It was simply unimaginable. (14.34)

For all the smack he talks about his friends in Paris, Henry realizes that his fellow teachers in Dijon are just not his people. They are all caught in the rut and the grim fog of the city.

Quote #9

When I left Van Noden I jumped a bus and went straight to the hospital. (15.24)

When Henry hears that Fillmore has gone mad, he rushes to his side. But Henry quickly susses out that Fillmore isn't mad—he just doesn't want to get married. Henry to the rescue.