Tuck Everlasting Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Winnie] began to feel quite cheerful. She had been kidnapped, but nothing bad had happened, and now it was almost over. Now, remembering the visits of the night before, she smiled—and found that she loved them, this most peculiar family. (17.4)

Well, that was quick. It's been less than a day, and Winnie already feels like she loves the Tucks. If she had a more loving family of her own, do you think this would still be the case?

Quote #5

"Remember I told you I had two children?" he asked. "Well, one of 'em was a girl. I took her fishing, too." His face clouded then, and he shook his head. "Her name was Anna. Lord, how sweet she was, that child! It's queer to think she'd be close to eighty now, if she's even still alive. And my son—he'd be eighty-two." (17.12)

Miles still loves his family even though he hasn't seen them in decades and has no idea what has happened to them. He might have it the worst of everyone in the book, don't you think?

Quote #6

Her fears at last night's supper seemed silly to her now. Perhaps they were crazy, but they weren't criminals. She loved them. They belonged to her. (18.15)

Love trumps everything—even the crazy gene. Hey, we all have it.