A Little Less Girl Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Shut up, you ass." Blister looked at me. "Hey, speaking of Dani, you don't seem interested in dating her. It's—it's just an observation," he stuttered. "Plus I figured since she was Amy's cousin and all."

"I actually haven't given her much thought at all," I said coolly, belying the molten heat rising in my veins. "Did she say something about Amy? Did she say something about me?" I wanted to kick myself for sounding like an anxious little kid. (9.33-34)

Oh, wow—this kid has got it bad. Showing too much interest in Dani is not smart (you know, since everyone thinks he drove her cousin to suicide). This gorgeous, perfect girl cannot possibly like him back, right? Right?

Quote #5

Bright spot of my day. I had a Jane Austen moment. In Emma, super sophisticated Mr. Knightly comes to Harriet's rescue on the dance floor after Mr. Elton's been a jerk to her. Mr. Dermott was my Mr. Knightly today. We had to pick partners in history. Everyone had a partner. Even my one true friend, Katy, was asked by Brian Folger to be his partner. She looked at me sort of pleadingly, and I nodded for her to go with him. I mean after all what kind of friend would I have been to say no. She really likes the guy. Everyone coupled up and yours truly was sitting alone on her massive butt with no partner. And it wasn't even kickball. I mean, I'm terrible at sports, but I'm pretty damn good at writing a history report. So Mr. Dermott walked over, pulled up a chair, sat down with that heart-stopping smile of his, and said "Well, I guess it's you and me kid." Then he leaned closer and said "Frankly, I think I won on this deal." Don't' know what soap he uses but he smells heavenly. The rest of the girls looked jealous. (10.11)

Okay, so this is a little weird. Amy not only sees Jake as some dreamboat out of a novel, she's casting Mr. Dermott in her love stories, too. Even though Mr. Dermott's actions here could be considered above-board, it's clear that this is actually his in with Amy. Poor girl.

Quote #6

Jake's head popped up when he saw me standing with the horses. I contemplated rushing back to the house, but that would have looked more than slightly ridiculous or mean. Truthfully, I wasn't quite sure how to react to the guy. As he approached, I felt a flutter go through my chest. Amy knew breathtaking when she saw it. And then, for a moment, I imagined myself with Jake West, the guy who'd invaded Amy's heart, and even though she was gone, I felt like a traitor for even thinking it. (14.5)

There are a lot of complicated feelings swirling around in the air in Raynesville. Jake is a certified hottie but Dani just doesn't feel right about swooning over him. After all, this is the guy her cousin liked—and the guy who ended up breaking her heart. Girl code says Dani can't date him, right? Hmmm… maybe we better review that girl code again.