A Little Less Girl Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Because Amy loved you, and she was the smartest person I knew. She wouldn't have been so crazy about you if you'd had even an ounce of evil in you. She was a great judge of character." I took hold of his fingers. They were cold but heat seemed to radiate where our skin touched. Gently I wound the gauze around his hand. His breath warmed the side of my face as I held his hand. Warm tension grew between us as we stood side by side watching the wrap go around his hand. (30.42)

So the fact that Amy loved Jake is a point in his favor. Amy is vouching for this guy so Dani knows that deep down he's a good guy. So. Much. Romantic. Tension.

Quote #8

Yesterday, I'd been nervous about facing Jake because I'd hurt his feelings, and he'd returned the favor with some stinging words of his own. Today, I was nervous about facing him because for some unexplained reason I decided to pick up his hand and kiss it last night. Actually it wasn't completely unexplained. He'd looked so beautiful standing there in the warm light of the porch, and the thought of him taking the time to protect Amy's paintings and then the lasting image of his face when I'd glanced at his hand in the tunnel, all of it overwhelmed me suddenly and I realized how much I wanted him to kiss me. I realized how badly I wanted to kiss him.

In first period we exchanged shy smiles, but we didn't talk. The whole time I wondered what he'd thought about my gesture. Like always, I could feel the heat of his gaze on the side of my face while Ms. Miller lectured. Like always, I pretended not to notice. (32.1-2)

Seriously, can we get some smelling salts? We feel a swooning fit coming on.

Quote #9

I thought back about standing in his arms and how right it had felt. I'd fallen hard for Amy's hero. "You know, I came to town with every intention of hating you, Jake West…"

The palm of his unwrapped hand pressed against my cheek. The warmth of it felt soothing, and I closed my eyes. My lips parted as his mouth covered mine with a soft deep kiss. It had been an emotional few days, and the feel of his lips on mine brought tears to my eyes. He gazed down at me with worry in his dark blues eyes. "Dani, I'm sorry—"

I took his hand from my cheek and kissed his palm. "Don't be. I needed that kiss." I reached up and pushed his long hair behind his ear. Amy knew extraordinary when she saw it. (32.52-54)

Finally these two crazy kids let each other know how they feel. Dani's tried to stay away, and Jake's kept his distance, too, but these two are like little magnets and they can't help but be drawn to each other.