A Little Less Girl Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

My phone vibrated on the counter, and I picked it up. It was Jake. "How's it going?" he asked. It was just three simple, non-committal, non-romantic words, yet the sound of his deep voice made my knees weak.

"Everything is fine." I actually had to keep the tremble out of my voice. I'd never had this reaction to any guy, but after he'd kissed me in the hallway and again in the jeep when his lips had drifted over the scars on my face, I realized I'd lost my heart to the guy. (34.11-12)

Just like Amy, Dani doesn't adore Jake for his good looks alone; he's also a super nice guy. He protects her. He calls to check on her. The caring in his voice is what really lets Dani know this guy is something special. Serious swoons.