Identity Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I'm not sure how Dauntless I really am, anyway, now that the factions are gone. (8.11)

The labels are a big part of everyone's identity in this book. It's like if you stopped calling something a banana, would it still be a banana? What would it be?

Quote #2

"You know, it would be perfectly logical for you to be panicking right now," [Cara] says. "No need to continually insist upon your unshakable masculinity. (14.50)

Cara tries to convince Tobias that his personality isn't 100% Dauntless. It's okay for him not be pretend to be super-duper brave all the time. He can dare to be vulnerable for once.

Quote #3

I thought that "Divergent" explained everything that I am and everything that I could be. Maybe I was wrong. (15.31)

Yep, as we just said, you were wrong, Tris. Tris learns that defining her label does not really define her in any way. She has to do that herself and not depend on society to do it for her.