Lies and Deceit Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Maybe he's still angry that you lied to him and went behind his back to work with his father," Cara says. (1.13)

Lies are the huge cracks in the foundation of Tris and Tobias's relationship. To push this metaphor further, honesty is the caulk that can repair the crack. Or something like that. We're not Home Depot associates.

Quote #2

"How is revealing the truth to our entire city an act of betrayal?" (2.20)

The short answer: when your city was founded on a basis of lies and deceit, the truth is tantamount to treason. Is the truth relative, or is it always true?

Quote #3

I know as I'm saying the words [you're the better liar] that they hit a sore spot in both of us. She lied to me so many times. (2.35)

Is honesty always the best policy? Here, Tris has to lie in order to escape execution. We've heard that the truth will set you free, but in this case, lies set Tris free. We think.