Sacrifice Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I used to think about giving my life for things, but I didn't understand what 'giving your life' really was until it was right there, about to be taken from me." (5.34)

Early in the book, Tris has second thoughts about sacrifice. This sets us up for a surprise later on when she decides that she does want to die for a cause she believes in—and then sacrifices herself just like we expected her to all along.

Quote #2

I know that I don't want to die, and for me, that's something—more than I could have said a few weeks ago. (15.120)

Tris realizes that she appreciates her life after smooching with Tobias for a bit. Is this the classic YA-heroine needs a man in order to live syndrome, or does her newfound value for life run deeper than that?

Quote #3

"You demonstrated the quality I most need in my advisers," he says. "Which is the ability to make sacrifices for the greater good." (32.48)

David's line here is filled with dramatic irony. This "ability to make sacrifices for the greater good" is exactly what motivates Tris to go against David and trigger the memory serum at the end. Hmm… maybe he wanted that to happen all along?