Allegiant Themes

Allegiant Themes


How far back have you traced your family tree? Just a few leaves? Figured out a couple dozen branches? Or have you dug deep, all the way to the roots? It can be a lot of work to learn about your he...


If Allegiant were a bad 80s movie, it might end with Tris's spirit hovering in the sky, like in this awkward family pet portrait (Tris would be the cat), while the song "That's What Friends Are For...


A sacrifice can be different things. It can be something you give up for the sake of a better cause (like giving up a five-dollar coffee a day to save money, or giving up 12 hours of your day to sp...

Guilt and Regret

Man, it's like the entire cast of the Divergent series cut in line when they were dishing out guilt-and-regret sundaes and then ate so much they broke the ice cream machine. Now they're all rolling...

Lies and Deceit

The government has everyone's best interests at heart. People aren't "genetically damaged"—they're just down on their luck. The faction system was a great idea. Tris actually lives at the end.Oka...


Good dystopian fiction almost always starts with the author taking some sort of rights violation and escalating it to insane extremes. Fahrenheit 451 takes the issue of censorship and sets it...

The Home

There are enough inspirational quotes about the home to fill every room of your house (even the bathroom): "Home is Where the Heart Is." "Home is Wherever I'm With You." "Home is Where the Wi-Fi Co...


What makes people who they are? Are they defined more by their genes or by what jeans they wear?In Allegiant, we go from a society that dictates what kind of clothes people wear to a society where...