Allegiant Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Veronica Roth joked that the third book would be called Detergent. With the whole brainwashing sub-plot, we have to admit, it would be kind of a good title.

If you need a little more context before reading Allegiant, there's a free e-book with author interviews, teasers about Allegiant, and more information about the factions… just in time to read a book where all the factions get dismantled.

The Internet is an angry place, and it became even angrier when thousands of fans read Allegiant and hated the ending. Allegiant was the subject of tons of negative tweets and 1-star reviews, so many that Veronica Roth felt the need to respond to the backlash. Could Roth have done anything to satisfy all her fans?