American Pastoral Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She had concluded by this time that there could never be a revolution in America to uproot the forces of racism and reaction and greed. (6.173)

In fact there is a revolution going on, but Merry picked a disastrous way to be involved in it. She idealizes Cuba as a place where racism, greed, and reaction are eradicated. What was Cuba like between 1968 and 1973, during the time Merry wants to go there?

Quote #8

"Merry feels it's all gone beyond writing letters to the president. She feels that's futile. You feel that, futile or not, it's something within your power to do […] at least to continue to put yourself on the record." (7.37)

The Swede is usually more interested in keeping the people around him from fighting than in the validity of any particular position. Merry seeks to put herself on record in a more serious way than writing letters. Whether or not her actions had more or less impact on ending the war than Lou's letter is up for hot debate.