American Pastoral Visions of America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

This place where she worked certainly didn't make it look as if she continued to believe her calling was to change the course of American History. (5.74)

Merry is working at a dog and cat hospital in a dangerous and decrepit section of Newark. But is the Swede right or wrong? Can Merry change the course of American history by caring for animals in the worst part of town?

Quote #11

[…] from the look of her she could have been not fifty minutes east of Old Rimrock, but in Delhi or Calcutta […] (6.2)

This vision of Newark presents a stark contrast to Old Rimrock. The moment also alludes to Merry's feeling of connection with people outside of America.

Quote #12

"You want Miss America? Well, you've got her, with a vengeance—she's your daughter!" (6.258)

This, of course, is Jerry Levov yelling violently at the Swede when the Swede is on the edge of despair over Merry. Jerry is suggesting that Merry Levov as a Jain is closer to the "true" face of America than Miss America herself.