Autobiography of My Dead Brother Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We were just talking about that the other day," C.J. said. "He was saying that if he got into a good high school, he was going to bust his chops so he could go on to college." (1.21)

Bobby Green, whose funeral we attend in Chapter 1, had set a lot of goals for himself. Sadly, death has a way of thwarting one's ambition. Ugh.

Quote #2

"You know, there was a time when I sang the blues," C.J.'s mother put her head to one side. […]

"But then I got a regular job in the post office and gave up singing because it wasn't paying any money." (3.19 and 3.21)

What happens to a dream deferred? It ends up working at the post office, evidently. When you can't get ahead financially, it can be hard to spend time doing much more than working.

Quote #3

"Say somebody hears us and we sound good. Then we get a record deal and it's getover time." (4.8)

C.J.'s not the only one who aspires to be a musician. Sounds like Benny is dreaming about a record deal… even though his band hasn't even played together once. Hey, go big or go home, right?