Autobiography of My Dead Brother Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He was more than just my best friend—he was really like a brother. (1.64)

While the Jesse and Rise we read about have a strained relationship, we know that there was a time when they were practically family. Heck, the word "brother" is even in the title.

Quote #2

When Rise got into his junior year and got hooked up into taking SATs and thinking about college, we didn't hang out as much as we used to. Then he started getting into trouble in school. (1.72)

To Jesse, it seems like Rise changed overnight. But when he says things like this, we understand that the change was probably more gradual than Jesse realizes.

Quote #3

Me and Rise were friends because we had done a lot of things together and we liked each other. Me and C.J. weren't really all that tight, but we were cool with each other. (1.75)

Do you think that Jesse and C.J.'s friendship has changed by the end of the novel? If so, how? If not, why not? What does this reveal about the hole Rise leaves in Jesse's life?