Autobiography of My Dead Brother Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Back in the day, before there were Bloods, Crips, and other gangs, there were a lot of black social clubs. (2.1)

Jesse belongs to the Counts, a nonviolent "social club" of teenage boys. But some people (ahem—we're looking at you, Rise) seem determined to turn the group into a gang.

Quote #2

"The dude's in jail and looking for company. He ain't getting my mama's child for a roommate." (2.39)

When Mason, a member of the Counts who has been arrested, asks for backup, the whole club resists. Well, except for Rise that is. He's all about it. It's the beginning of the end for the Counts as strictly a social club.

Quote #3

Sidney Rock was a cop, but he was okay with everybody on both sides of the Ave. […] He kind of looked out for all the brothers that he knew and that were straight with him. (2.91)

Sidney's a good cop—the kind who actually makes an effort to prevent crime instead of just arresting people. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case and there are other cops who are basically criminals with badges.