Autobiography of My Dead Brother Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Maybe one day those left behind will finally be able to do what we hope for him—to rest in peace without the violence that blows through our community like the winds of winter. (1.3)

At Bobby's funeral, Pastor Loving speaks to the issue of neighborhood violence. Bobby was killed in a drive-by—and he's just the first person we're aware of in the book who dies this way.

Quote #2

I knew the bonding thing was about Bobby G. being killed. Mom was getting upset about so many kids getting shot and had already mentioned that maybe we should move out to the burbs. (1.61)

The violence in Jesse's neighborhood is so bad that his parents are thinking about moving. What do you think prevents them from leaving?

Quote #3

Near the curb a little girl was beating her doll and screaming at it, and I nudged C.J. for him to look. The girl was about eight and skinny. Her hair wasn't combed. (4.15)

Gun violence isn't the only problem in Jesse's neighborhood—there's also domestic violence. Chances are this poor little girl has been beaten at home. Kids often model the way they're treated.