Autobiography of My Dead Brother Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Lord knows we are tired of burying our young men, of driving behind hearses and seeing the painted letters of remembrance on the walls of our neighborhood." (1.2)

The novel opens on a funeral scene, and from Pastor Loving's words here, we understand that these funerals are really common. The word "tired" is super revealing about the regularity with which funerals are occurring.

Quote #2

"When your time comes, you got to go," Rise said. "That's all sad and everything, but that's the word, straight up." (1.22)

Rise has a really cavalier attitude toward death through most of the book—it's just something that happens and there's nothing particularly special about it. He sure does change his tune in his own death scene, though.

Quote #3

There were so many funerals going on, it almost seemed you needed something to make them different. (1.24)

At the ripe old age of fifteen, Jesse has been to so many of his peers' funerals that he finds them hard to differentiate. That's some pretty heavy stuff right there, Shmoopers.