Benito Cereno The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Above all, he began to feel a ghostly dread of Don Benito. (58.122)

There's just something about Benito Cereno. Freud might say he inspires a sense of the uncanny

Quote #5

Or, in his haunted mood at the moment, had some random, unintentional motion of the man, while busy with the stay as if repairing it, been mistaken for a significant beckoning? (65.161)

Okay, okay. "Haunted" in this sentence doesn't have to do with the ghost variety, but it definitely evokes a ghostly sense. Even the slightest movement has meaning for Captain Delano.

Quote #6

Seeing him relapsing into his forbidding doom, and still remaining seated, Captain Delano […] withdrew, on pretense of seeing whether, as he had prophesied, any signs of a breeze were visible. (77.234)

Benito Cereno has the creepy tendency of just suddenly retreating inward. Chalk it up to his sickness, his nervousness, or something else going on…we just know it's spooky.