Benito Cereno The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] as the bleached hull swung round towards the open ocean, death for the figurehead, in a human skeleton, chalky comment on the chalked words below, FOLLOW YOUR LEADER. (88.320)

The worst part of this revealing of Aranda's skeleton is its suddenness. Seems like an awfully strange coincidence that it would happen at the exact moment Cereno escapes…

Quote #8

"Tis he, Aranda! My murdered, unburied friend!" (88.321)

Seeing the skeleton of your best buddy has to do some major psychological damage. Did Cereno know he was there the whole time?

Quote #9

It was nearly night, but the moon was rising.

There's nothing like a full moon to illuminate a battlefield (on the ocean). There's a weird kind of comparison being made about the serene natural world and the violence of humanity.