The Bourne Identity Chapter 23 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • At the beginning of Book III, Bourne pays the clerk at the desk for the use of his car.
  • Marie and Bourne are miles away in the car, where they have yet another version of the "I'm bad for you, baby," "No, no you're a good person, really, and I love you," argument.
  • Bourne offers to turn himself in to save Marie. She says that that's evidence that he's a good person.
  • Marie tries to convince Bourne that maybe his identity as Cain is a fabrication, and he's being used by someone else (which we know is more or less the truth of it). Way to call it, Marie.
  • Bourne says he found two phone numbers in Lavier's office, and he plans to try to track down more information using them. One's in Zurich, the other in Paris.
  • Bourne and Marie go back to Paris, because they figure they'll be more inconspicuous there.
  • Bourne and Marie try the Zurich number, but it's been disconnected.
  • The Paris number, though, is for General Villiers, who Marie says is a big deal important type person.