The Bourne Identity Chapter 26 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Villiers and Bourne talk and talk. The upshot is that Villiers believes Bourne's news that his wife is betraying him.
  • Villiers and Bourne figure out that Villiers's wife was summoned to Marseilles by Carlos to help him in the assassination of Howard Leland.
  • Villiers says he's going to kill his wife. Bourne convinces him to wait and set a trap for Carlos, the man who killed his son.
  • Bourne says he plans to go sow chaos among the folks at Les Classiques. There will be lots of calls to Villiers's wife, things will be disrupted, and Carlos may be forced into the open.
  • Bourne also tells Villiers about Marie, so he won't be confused if he calls the hotel and she answers.