The Bourne Identity Chapter 32 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Bourne is angry about the spy nonsense: he has to run from phone to phone, and get in touch with the embassy, and so on. Why not just have him come into the embassy, he wonders? Good question.
  • The answer is that they think he's murdered all of Treadstone, and so they're afraid of him. But Bourne doesn't know about the dead Treadstone people yet.
  • Conklin gets in town and sets up a meeting with Bourne in a cemetery.
  • Bourne goes to get the car he got way back when, from that clerk at the hotel.
  • When he goes to the garage for the car, Bourne discovers that someone is watching it. Carlos followed up with the hotel clerk and has been staking the car out.
  • Bourne subdues the guys who were watching the car and takes their car. Because he is bad for them, baby.
  • The beat-up guys call the beggar, who knows that Carlos will kill him and is frightened. Seems like the right reaction to us.
  • Bourne gets to the cemetery and discovers (does this sound familiar?) that there's a guy there waiting to get him. He disables the guy quietly, then goes to meet with Conklin.
  • Bourne tries to tell Conklin that he had amnesia, but Conklin doesn't believe him, because he has never read a Robert Ludlum novel.
  • Conklin tries to shoot Bourne, but the same thing happens to him that happens to everybody who tries to shoot Bourne.
  • There's an extra bonus hired goon out there, too, but he also misses, and then Bourne shoots him, too.
  • Conklin gets his gun back and shoots, but misses.
  • Bourne wants to kill Conklin, figuring that if he's gone, other folks in Washington will listen to him. But he can't make himself fire.
  • Bourne figures his best chance now is to break Madame Villiers.
  • But that's not going to work. Bourne calls Villiers, and finds out that Villiers has killed his wife.