The Boxcar Children The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

One warm night four children stood in front of a bakery. No one knew them. No one knew where they had come from. (1.1)

When the book begins, the Alden children are homeless, seeking shelter for the night in a bakery. Notice how it's a "warm night"? Already things could be worse—for instance, it could be cold and raining.

Quote #2

Then she saw something ahead of her in the woods. It was an old boxcar.

"What a good home that will be in the rain!" she thought. (3.6-3.7)

Although the Alden kids don't decide to make the boxcar their permanent address until later in the book, Jessie thinks of it as home at first sight.

Quote #3

"What a good place this is!" said Violet. "It is just like a warm little house with one room." (3.19)

Oh yes, Violet—it's just like a warm little house, except for the part where it's an abandoned boxcar in the wilderness. Po-ta-to, po-tah-to, we suppose.