The Boxcar Children Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

This was the first time in four days that they could go to sleep at night, as children should. (4.70)

"As children should" sounds a little preachy, doesn't it?

Quote #2

"Tomorrow will be Sunday," said Dr. Moore. "Will you come again the next day?" (7.59)

In the world of The Boxcar Children, Sunday is a day of rest. We have to say, we like the idea of a dedicated day of rest.

Quote #3

"Tomorrow will be Sunday, and I can stay at home," Henry went on. "Do you think it's all right, Jessie, to build the dam for a swimming pool on Sunday?" (7.81)

Henry wonders if it's OK to build the swimming pool on a Sunday, but Jessie thinks that God will give them a pass. What do you think her logic is?