The Boxcar Children Secrecy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Where did you live before you came here?" asked the woman.

But not one of the four children would tell her. (1.26-1.27)

Though the Alden children are extremely polite, they're not going to tell anyone where they came from. Not even us.

Quote #2

"You may have some water when it gets dark. There is a pump near the farmhouse. But if we leave the haystack now, someone will see us." (2.26)

Not only are the Alden kids on the run, they're also in hiding. Through the first part of the book, they live a nocturnal existence to avoid prying eyes.

Quote #3

"If we hear anyone," said Jessie, "we must hide behind the bushes." (2.31)

Good timing, Jessie. Right after these words are out of her mouth, the baker and his wife appear, and the Aldens dive into the bushes as planned. Phew—that was close.