The Boxcar Children Industriousness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"What are we going to do now, Jessie?" Benny asked his sister.

"Well, Benny," answered Jessie, "we'll go exploring and look for treasures." (5.12-5.13)

The Alden children don't seem to believe in naps or gentle walks or simply taking it easy. They always have an agenda that involves some form of hard labor.

Quote #2

The children laid all their treasures, even the wheels, on a board, and the girls carried the board back to the boxcar between them. They put the dishes down by the brook.

"Now we must wash them," said Jessie. (5.38-5.39)

By the by, the "treasures" are dishes that the children have scavenged from the dump. So, they worked hard to get them, and now they're working hard to be able to use them.

Quote #3

"I called after him and asked him if I could cut the grass. […] So I cut the grass, and he said, 'Good for you. Do you want to work every day?' And he said he had never had a boy who cut it as well as I did." (6.9-6.10)

Henry is not just a worker—he's the best worker that ever was, according to Dr. Moore. Notice he does most of his work away from home, for pay, while the girls tend to the house.