The Boxcar Children Resourcefulness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She took the string out of the laundry bag and tied one end of it to a tree. The other end of the string she tied to the boxcar. This made a good clothesline. (4.61)

Jessie basically outfits an entire household out of a laundry bag, two clean towels, and a load of junk from their neighborhood dump. You go, girl.

Quote #2

All Jessie saw were two pieces of wood nailed to the closed door of the car. But she knew at once what was in Violet's mind. She ran to get the board they had carried from the dump and laid it carefully across the two pieces of wood. It made a fine shelf for the dishes. (5.48)

The Boxcar Children could probably build a bomb out of clothespins and used chewing gum. Here, Jessie sees some random nails and is like, "Obviously, that's a shelf." Obviously.

Quote #3

"Where did you get the dishes?" he cried, when he saw the shelf.

"We went exploring," said Violet, "and found a big dump." (5.58-5.59)

Henry is super impressed (and not at all alarmed) by the garbage dishes. He recognizes true resourcefulness when he sees it, and he appreciates it, too.