Breath, Eyes, Memory Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Breath, Eyes, Memory? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Sophie concludes that all Haitians are daughters of the land. What leads her to this conclusion?

All the songs and stories she's ever heard are about women.
She is from a family of women.
Haiti is primarily a matriarchal society.
Haitians trace their descent from women, not men.
Q. Sophie remembers the story of the woman who flew without her skin in order to show that:

Men often feel the need to control women's powers.
Men fear the supernatural.
Women should stay at home.
Women should consider their husband's feelings.
Q. Sophie is attracted to a particular Vodou spirit because she represents strong femininity. Who is this spirit?

Q. Why does Sophie call her mother "as brave as the stars at dawn" (35.234)?

Because she moved to a strange country and made a new life
Because she lived alone after Sophie left
Because she endured in the face of fear
Because she chose not to return to Haiti
Q. Why does Ifé refuse to leave Haiti?

She likes herself there.
She doesn't have enough money to move.
Political corruption makes it difficult to emigrate.
She won't leave Atie.