Bronx Masquerade Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Don't none of these girls like the way they look? I don't get it. Guys don't have that problem. Not the guys I know. Would somebody clue me in? (31.1)

Tyrone just doesn't get why girls are so critical of their own looks. Thing is, he's not totally right that "guys don't have" this "problem"—as Devon shows, guys do think about appearances, just in a different way.

Quote #8

"Well, nobody could tell it. You know, I could really get into what you were saying about trying to make yourself over, wishing you could be perfect and all. I mean, I feel like that every time I look in the mirror."

Judianne nodded, and her tight mouth softened a little. She was about to say something, but then a toilet flushed and she realized we were not alone. Sheila Gamberoni came out of the stall, and the minute she did, Judianne slipped back behind her usual scowl and turned mean.

"Look, I am nothing like you, okay?" she spit out. "In case you haven't noticed, you're fat and I'm not. And you're wrong about my poem. It was just words. It didn't mean anything. You got that?" (35.5-7)

Poor Janelle. She tries to bond with Judianne over their shared body image issues and she gets shut down. Janelle knows that Judianne puts on an act and pretends she's all that, but Judianne is going to keep this appearance up no matter what.

Quote #9

If Tyrone calls me "caramel cutie" one more time, I'll scream. I turn to cut my eyes at him and find Judianne staring at me again. Even after I turn away, I can feel her eyes stroking the back of my head. I'm so sick of people making a big deal over my "good hair."

I caught her pawing my hair just last week. I reached back and grabbed a finger before she had a chance to pull away. I spun around, more aggravated than angry, and said, "Look, it's just hair. It's not magic, so don't go rubbing it for good luck. Trust me, it hasn't brought me any." […] If she doesn't quit bugging me, I'm gonna ask Mr. Ward to change my seat. She's why I chopped all my hair off last year. Well, people like her. (38.1-2)

Tyrone's right—it's another girl who doesn't like the way she looks. Even though Tanisha is widely regarded as one of the prettiest girls in school, she can't stand the way people focus on her appearance. Her looks make her stand out and she doesn't like it one bit.