Bronx Masquerade Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The first time he got up there, I rolled my eyes like half the sisters in class, certain he was going to spout something lame or nasty about girls and sex, or gangsters. I mean, that's all we ever heard him talk about, right? But there was nothing lame about this poem, and none of it was about sex. It was about what's going on in the world, and about trying to make sense of it. It was a poem by somebody who really thinks about things, and that somebody turned out to be Tyrone. He made me change my mind about him that day. (75.13)

Who's keeping up appearances now? Tyrone used to put up a tough act, but Porscha can see he's more than he appears. Maybe people will be able to change the way they look at her, too?