The Chocolate War Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Actually, Archie hated people like Janza even though he could admire their handiwork. People like Janza were animals. But they came in handy.  Janza and the picture – like money in the bank. (7.21)

Archie hates almost everybody, which is how he justifies his actions to himself. Here, he makes a distinction between psychological violence, which he uses, and physical violence, which Emile is famous for. Do you think Emile is really worse than Archie? Why, or why not?

Quote #5

It was as if somebody dropped The Bomb. (11.12)

Comparing the destruction of Room Nineteen to an atomic bomb is a bit much, Archie, but we get the point. Even though nobody is physically hurt, the psychological impact of all the furniture falling apart is intense.

Quote #6

Watching girls and devouring them with your eyes—rape by eyeball—was something you did automatically. (21.23)

This comment is from the perspective of an extremely minor character, Howie Anderson. It raises some important questions. Can you hurt someone with your eyes? If Howie thinks it's OK to "rape" a girl with his eyes, would he draw the line at physical rape? We found this pretty scary. What do you think?  Do all of the kids that go to Trinity turn out creepy?