Dark Water Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I won't tell anyone anything. I won't bother you. (20.1)

In her note to Amiel, Pearl tells him that his secret is safe with her. She cares a lot about being loyal to her new crush, but that alone isn't enough for her—Pearl needs Amiel to know that she's devoted to him as well. She wants to make sure that he gets that she's not going to give him up to her family.

Quote #5

All the while the blood was soaking through the towel, and as my aunt was closing Amiel's door, she gestured for him to hold up his arm and said, "Arriba del corazón." "Above the heart." I remember, along with my fear and dread, my determination not to say that he'd been juggling and thereby prove my loyalty to Amiel. (22.4)

Pearl also has to keep Amiel's secret when he busts his hand juggling machetes. A pattern starts to form where when Amiel has a secret, Pearl keeps it for him. Time and again her allegiance is put to the test, and every time, she comes through (well, for Amiel, anyway) with flying colors.

Quote #6

"I did more than my fair share of everything. […] And that meant there was never time for me to do anything that made me feel happy. I realized, finally, that I couldn't go on living like that. I don't think anyone should. (25.43)

According to Pearl's dad, he was super devoted to her and Pearl's mom. He doesn't think that it was his responsibility to work hard or provide for a family since he's a parent. Nope, he starts to question when he gets to be happy because that's what's important to him. Pearl can see that he's only loyal to himself.