Eleanor & Park Chapter 37 Summary


  • Eleanor thinks about the fact that she and Park are never alone. She feels so close to getting in trouble already, she's not willing to risk sneaking out at night. She's already lied to her mom so many times about Park—she's even told her mom that Tina's mom gave her makeup: "If she just changed Park's name to 'Tina' every time she lied, it only felt like one big lie instead of a million small ones" (37.5).
  • DeNice and Beebi tell Eleanor that Park looks "like a rock star" with the eyeliner, but Eleanor thinks Park "looked like himself […] but bolder […] Like Park with the volume turned way up" (37.13).


  • Park's also thinking about never getting to be alone with Eleanor. He thinks about getting his driver's license, but then decides that won't happen as long as his dad is still mad at him. Park thinks his dad is angry because Park's not like him.
  • He talks to Eleanor about this, and she tells him his dad loves him. Park agrees, but thinks his dad is disappointed in him.


  • Eleanor thinks Park's mom really does like her better now: "Park's mom was always trying new eyeshadows on her or messing with her hair while she sat at the kitchen table with Park" (37.35). Park's mom comments that she wished she'd had a girl; Eleanor just wishes she had a family like Park's.