Eleanor & Park Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

His dad barreled into the kitchen and scooped his mom into his arms. They did this every night, too. Full-on make-out sessions, no matter who was around. (6.27)

Park's parents' relationship is a case of love that's lasted a very long time. They're practically teenagers every time they see each other.

Quote #2

"Romeo and Juliet are just two rich kids who've always gotten every little thing they want. And now, they think they want each other."

"They're in love…" Mr. Stessman said, clutching his heart.

"They don't even know each other."

"It was love at first sight."

"It was 'Oh my God, he's so cute' at first sight… it's Shakespeare making fun of love." (10.41-45)

Pay attention to Eleanor here, because she tells us something important: She thinks that Romeo and Juliet, one of literature's most beloved romantic tragedies, isn't romantic at all. She seems pretty cynical about the whole concept of love at first sight, but insofar as this book is about two young lovers, with family keeping them apart, we're thinking Romeo and Juliet sound a little more like Park and Eleanor than Eleanor might like to admit.

Quote #3

"Because…" he said quietly, looking at his desk, "because people want to remember what it's like to be young? And in love?" (10.50)

Here's Park's take on why Romeo and Juliet is so important. His opinion is a little more romantic, isn't it? Do you think Eleanor and Park's own story is more like Eleanor's opinion of Romeo and Juliet, or Park's?