Eleanor & Park Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I told him you were ready to be part of this family."

"I'm already part of this family. I'm like a charter member." (2.20-21)

Eleanor has this conversation with her mom after Eleanor was kicked out of the house for a year. This is a great example of the way Richie has divided Eleanor's family—Eleanor's mom is implying that Eleanor chose not to be part of the family, when it was Richie who kicked Eleanor out. Eleanor has to remind her mom that she was actually in the family long before Richie was… but it doesn't seem that way anymore, does it?

Quote #2

But when Eleanor walked in the house, it was like her siblings didn't recognize her. (4.3)

Wow. This stunning moment, when Eleanor returns after a year away, shows how much her family has changed under Richie's influence. What kind of family kicks a kid out for a year, and doesn't welcome her back with open arms? Eleanor's family, apparently. This must have been really rough for Eleanor.

Quote #3

"God. You, too? Why do you guys call him that?" She tried not to sound angry.

Ben shrugged. "I guess because he's married to Mom."

"Yeah, but—" Eleanor ran her hands up and down the swing chains, then smelled them. "—we never used to call him that. Do you feel like he's your dad?"

"I don't know," Ben said flatly. "What's that supposed to feel like?" (8.23-26)

Here's another example of how Eleanor's family has changed with Richie in charge: Eleanor's siblings call him Dad, even though they're terrified of him… or maybe because they're terrified of him. The worst part is, since Eleanor's dad was also a jerk, Ben has no idea what it might be like to have a loving dad. Does Richie seem like someone you'd want to call Dad?