Eleanor & Park Chapter 48 Summary


  • Richie's horrible messages running through her head, Eleanor takes Park's photo out of her backpack, climbs out the window, and takes off down the street. Someone calls out to her—it's Tina, of all people. Tina's in front of Steve's house, and tells Eleanor that Richie has been driving around the neighborhood looking for Eleanor all night. 
  • Eleanor asks if Tina said anything about Park, and she says no, "But somebody's going to" (48.14). Eleanor can only think about getting away, but she doesn't know what to do. Tina takes Eleanor inside, surprisingly concerned. 
  • Steve and Mikey are in Steve's garage. Steve's drunk and ranting, and asks Eleanor if she wants him to kill Richie for her. Tina gives Eleanor a can of beer and tells her to drink it. Eleanor sits, not saying anything, while they listen to music. 
  • Finally, she gets up and says, "I've got to get out of here" (48.36). 
  • Tina tells her to relax, but Eleanor says, "He's going to kill me" (48.38); she tells Tina she needs to leave, and tell Park.


  • Park can't sleep—he's thinking about Eleanor. 
  • When Steve knocks on his window, and Park leans out, he is shocked to see Eleanor there with Tina.


  • Park climbs out of the window and drops down onto the ground. Eleanor drops her beer and runs toward him, starting to cry. 
  • They see headlights, and Tina tells Park they should get back to the garage.


  • When they get to Steve's garage, Steve lights a joint and offers it. Park turns it down—he can't " even imagine a turn of events that would have led Eleanor here" (48.66). Park's best guess is that Steve and Tina kidnapped Eleanor, but that still doesn't make sense.
  • Tina says Eleanor's stepdad is looking for her, and Eleanor says she has to leave; Park takes her back to his house, but thanks Tina first.
  • At Park's house, Park opens up the RV in his grandparents' driveway and lets Eleanor in. She repeats that she has to leave. When Park asks why Richie is looking for her, she says, "Because he knows, because I ran away […] Because it's him" (48.85-87).
  • Park thinks she's not making sense, so Eleanor starts over, telling him everything; "Park's hands started shaking before she was halfway through" (48.95).
  • Park tries to suggest that maybe Richie's just trying to scare Eleanor, but she disagrees, saying, "you don't see how… how he looks at me" (48.97).