Eleanor & Park Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I have to sit somewhere," the girl said to Tina in a firm, calm voice. (1.55)

From the first minute we meet Eleanor, we can see she's not going to shrink away from a bully, even a bully as nasty as Tina. It takes a lot of guts to remain calm in this kind of situation.

Quote #2

If this had happened two summers ago, Eleanor would have run and banged on the door herself. She would have yelled at Richie to stop. She would have called 911 at the very, very least. But now that seemed like something a child would do, or a fool. (10.19)

Courage isn't always about standing up to an attacker. Eleanor's shown a lot of bravery dealing with Richie, but she's smart enough to know when her actions just won't help.

Quote #3

"Smarter than I ever was," her mom said. "And braver. I haven't been on my own since the eighth grade." (43.84)

This quote from Sabrina is a really crucial insight into Sabrina's motivations, and it's a sad truth. Sabrina admits, here, that she's afraid of being alone—so afraid that she's constantly been with a terrible partner for her entire life. Amazing that she admires Eleanor's bravery for being without a guy (even though Eleanor does actually have Park at this point), and says she's never been brave enough to be without one.