Eleanor & Park Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Eleanor was only supposed to stay with them for a few days, maybe a week. Just until Richie cooled down and let her come home. (8.40)

The details of Eleanor's time at the Hickman's are revealed slowly. It wasn't so bad initially, right? Just a few days. It's all fine… until her mom doesn't call her for six months.

Quote #2

At first, her mom would call Eleanor at the Hickman's almost every day after school. After a few months, the calls stopped. It turned out that Richie hadn't paid the phone bill, and it got disconnected. But Eleanor didn't know that for a while. (8.42)

That last sentence—wham. The thought that Eleanor didn't know why her mom wasn't calling hits like a truck.

Quote #3

Her mom hadn't said anything like that since Eleanor moved home. She seemed to realize that she'd lost her right to knock. (10.13)

Yeah, when you leave your kid somewhere for a year, things are going to change, aren't they?