Fangirl Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

"I'm the Cool One," she told herself. "Somebody give me some tequila because I'll totally drink it. And there's no way you're going to find me later having a panic attack in your parents' bathroom. Who wants to French-kiss?" (16.116)

If we didn't want to hang out with Cath before this statement, we totally do now. She doesn't even have to French-kiss us.

Quote #8

She couldn't believe she was doing this. Boy. Party. Strangers. Beer. Strangers. Party. Boy. Eye contact. (16.161)

This is for sure one of the scariest things about your freshman year in college, especially if you have to change out of your Simon Snow tee-shirt.

Quote #9

Wren shoved off the counter, shaking her head. "Oh, you hate everything. You hate change. If I didn't drag you along behind me, you'd never get anywhere." (20.61)

In the meantime, we'd like Wren to know that Cath's writing the most popular Simon Snow stories on the internet and making her Fiction-Writing professor and her roommate's ex-boyfriend fall in love with her. So yeah, have fun with your tequila, Wren.