Fangirl Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

"I'm sure she's fine," Reagan said, looking at the text. "She probably just had too much to drink. Mandatory freshman behavior." (11.94)

Here's a bit of irony, given that Cath says Raven and Levi feel "more like sponsors" than friends. In the college-freshman version, sponsors get the sober girl to go out and party, not the party girl to sober up.

Quote #5

"No. Cath. I'm not. I'm drunk, and I'm staying out. That's the whole f***ing point of being out." (11.188)

"I'm drunk, and I'm staying out," sounds ominously like famous last words. Fortunately, at least this time, they're not.

Quote #6

"I see the same people every day. I remember their drinks, they like that I remember their drinks, I make them happy, and then they leave. It's like being a bartender, but you don't have to deal with drunks. Speaking of… How's your sister?" (12.44)

You don't have to serve liquor at Starbucks, but it could be argued that trying to remember all the specifications of people's lattes could drive you to drink. (We'll just have a grande dark roast with extra room for cold soymilk. Thanks.)