Fangirl Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

God, his chin. She wanted to make an honest woman of his chin. She wanted to lock it down. (31.281)

It's funny how we zoom in on random features of the people we're attracted to. Bulging biceps? Chiseled abs? Meh. Cath's got a total chin fetish.

Quote #8

"Anyway, I don't feel like it has to happen now, like immediately, but he makes me want to. And he makes me think… that it'll be okay. That I don't have to worry about screwing it up." (32.64)

Cath's social anxiety extends to her sex life, or lack thereof. One of her major obstacles is learning to live in her own body.

Quote #9

When they were done laughing, Wren punched Cath's arm. "You'll be fine. The first few times you do it, you only get graded on attendance." (32.72)

On the one hand, this is a decidedly unromantic view of losing your virginity. On the other, though, it's kind of a relief and, for better or worse, kind of true.