Feathers Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"Not the snow," I said. "The feeling. It felt holy. All peaceful and quiet. All promising. It made me think that must be what you feel when you stand in the school yard reading your Bible or sit in your daddy's church listening to him promise the whole congregation… something… something better coming along." (12.27)

Samantha goes to church to feel good and holy, and Frannie goes outside to look at all the snow that's fallen over their world. Is one a more valid spiritual experience than the other? Frannie doesn't think so.

Quote #8

"Strange," Samantha said. "How one day you can believe in something. And then the next day you don't anymore."

[…] "And then when you don't have that thing to believe in anymore, you don't have anything." (16.8-9)

Samantha is always caught up in believing certain things, and so when she finds out that Jesus Boy isn't actually Jesus, she's devastated. What is she supposed to believe in now? Where's her special miracle?

Quote #9

"But you don't even hardly go to church," Samantha said.

I picked up one of the crackers, then put it down again. Mr. Hungry wasn't anywhere to be found anymore. I couldn't believe I had to explain what I didn't know how to explain. I'd figured Samantha would just understand—deep inside. Of all people. (19.13-14)

It just doesn't make any sense to Samantha that Frannie would be the "good" person in their class. It's not like she's been showing Mother Teresa levels of piety and holiness—she's just a normal girl.