Feed Chapter 51 Summary


  • Violet sends Titus tons of her memories, because she's so scared she's going to start forgetting, and then who would she be? She especially wants to tell him things from before she got the feed.
  • All that night and through the next day, Violet sends Titus her memories.
  • He doesn't open any of them, but they keep on coming. Here and there, he gets a scent, or a few words, or an impression.
  • When he gets home from SchoolTM, he has a horrible headache, which is apparently caused by how much memory room all of Violet's memories are taking up.
  • He deletes everything she has just sent him. Without looking at any of it.
  • Ouch.
  • Later, Violet chats him about what Titus thinks about her plans for the weekend. And, of course, he has no idea what she's talking about,since he just erased everything she recently sent him.
  • He doesn't answer her. Instead, he lies in his bed, but is unable to sleep.