Flowers for Algernon Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #7

I smiled to myself at the thought of how it would be if they brought me back here as one here as one of her children. Would I be tidy enough? (16.229)

Charlie's getting comfy with the idea that he's going to go through another radical transition, which is pretty big of him. So comfortable, in fact, that he can even find some humor in this big impending shift.

Quote #8

He's had several experiences of perceiving himself as he was before the experiment—as a separate and distinct individual still functioning in his unconsciousness—as if the old Charlie was struggling for control of his body— (16.248)

Well, this is awkward—the old Charlie handles change by trying to take back control, like some kind of freaky science fiction novel.

Quote #9

I'm not a guinea pig any more. I've done enough. I want to be left alone now. (17.288)

You know what's weird? We never figure out why it takes so long for Charlie to stand up for himself. Has he reached a new stage in his emotional development?